Tag Archive for: gala festival

Heartland Men’s Chorus Performs at GALA Festival 2024

The sports world may have the Olympics but GALA Choruses hosts Festival every four years. It had been 8 years since we gathered due to Covid cancellation in 2020, and we were more than excited to return with festival veterans and many new singers.

Festival is not a singing competition but a choral celebration where 7,000 LGBTQIA+ delegates gather to sing for our siblings in song. A safe space to meet others over the common bond of making music together and telling wonderful stories through song.

HMCKC had strong representation with 140+ singing and non-singing delegates. The HeartAches performed in a Small Ensemble Showcase and were a feature in one of the nightly Blockbuster Concerts.

“Through their powerfully strong, melodic voices, Kansas City’s Heartland Men’s Chorus educated, inspired, motivated, and asked us to self-reflect. While being thoroughly entertained and enlightened, an endless flow of tears of pride and self-awareness were shed throughout their captivating concert,” said Dennis Maddux-Phillips after watching via Livestream Pass.

The full chorus performed a stunning 20-minute set and then joined with the Kansas City Women’s Chorus for two songs to finish our concert block with 160 voices strong.

“… it was the most moving thing we’ve seen and we’ve never heard a GALA Chorus sound that good,” said a Portland Gay Men’s Chorus member.

It truly was an honor to represent Kansas City at the Minneapolis, MN hosted event in July. Four months later we are still celebrating the success we had there in building community and celebrating pride while singing to inspire a world of love and acceptance.