Meet New HMCKC Member: Raven
- You are one of the newest members, so how did you hear about HMCKC and why did you want to join?
I heard about HMCKC from one of the member’s children when I was in High School. We participated in choir together and she had invited me to attend one of the shows with her. The first show I saw was called “Falling in Love Again” in ’13. It was an emotional show about 1920s Berlin. It invoked in me something powerful, I was inspired to be brave and never stray from the path of happiness. No matter how hard it may be because a better day awaits. That feeling sat with me for many years, I continued to perform and went to college pursuing a music degree. I never felt confident enough to really let myself free, I went to performances sporadically, and continued paying attention, until one day I finally had the nerve to audition.
- What has your experience been with the chorus?
Since I auditioned, I have found a family. A quirky, amazing, beautiful, loving family. HMCKC just pulls you in, gives you one of the biggest bear hugs ever, sits you down, and wraps you in comfort. Every. Single. Member is happy to see you, genuinely wants to know you, and supports you. The members and staff of the chorus are so incredibly helpful and want you to succeed and challenge yourself to be the best and most authentic self that you can be. There is nothing more satisfying, and empowering than being a part of a group that truly builds each other up and wants you to be YOU!
- Why should someone support HMCKC?
Our Mission is “To build Community, Celebrate Pride, & Empower Authenticity.” And through every step of the process, it is upheld. Through continual support from our Director, Section Leaders, Other Chorus Members, Executive Board Members, and most importantly our local Kansas City Patrons, we get to build and do something great in our city. We empower our community through one of the most powerful forms, the Arts. We get the chance to touch the heart and soul of a person who is in need of a loving and support message. HMCKC is about changing lives, one song at a time.