HMC Welcome Heartsong and Choral Spectrum to celebrate Stonewall’s 50th Anniversary!
For our upcoming spring concert, Stonewall 50: All of Us, we’re inviting two local LGBT choruses to join us in celebrating 50 years of LGBT rights: Kansas City Women’s Chorus’ “Heartsong” and Choral Spectrum.
Heartsong of Kansas City Women’s Chorus is a special a cappella group of singers whose main purpose is to serve as ambassadors to the community in support of the Chorus’ mission: education about and advocacy for women’s and girl’s issues. They also perform as part of KCWC’s main stage concerts. Kansas City Women’s Chorus was founded in 1999 and today performs with 100+ women from diverse ages, ethnicities and religious backgrounds.
Newly formed in 2018, “Choral Spectrum” is a mixed chorus for both male and female voices that serves the LGBTQ+ community, including straight allies, and performs all types of music from classical to pop to spiritual to secular. According to group founder and artistic director, Dr. Michael Robert Patch, the group was formed as an alternative to all female or all male choirs. “Whatever the music selections are, the overall performances will be uplifting and fun!” Tickets to Stonewall 50: All of Us are available at
Choral Spectrum